Friday, January 26, 2007

Weight Loss Vitamin Info

Some people use vitamin supplements when trying to lose weight. Because some alimentation products are avoided when dieting the body may be deprived of certain vitamins that could help resist against different kinds of illnesses.

In order to provide the body the micronutrients needed, many people decide to use a weight loss vitamin supplement. Such dietary supplements contain not only vitamins and minerals but also other lesser known substances such as herbals, botanicals, amino acids, and enzymes. This is indeed a modern practice that can be helpful in when dieting but before using any supplements there are some things to consider.


As the name suggests a supplement is only complementary to daily alimentation. In order to lose weight while preserving your health, a weight loss vitamin supplement must be used together with healthy food and physical exercises. Under no circumstances should these be used alone as they cannot completely replace the vitamins provided by a balanced diet.


Weight loss vitamin supplements can be found in different forms: tablets, capsules, powders and energy bars or drinks. Since there are a lot of products offered on the market, some people may find themselves in the troublesome situation of not knowing what to choose thus choosing inadequately.

The best way to know what type of weight loss vitamin supplement to choose is to consult your physician as there might be substances that can interfere with medication you are taking. Talk with the doctor before using them or with other health care providers such as a dietitian, nutritionist, nurse, or pharmacist. This is very important because there are risks when using dietary supplements.


Although such supplements can be useful to some people on a diet there are circumstances when these can damage the health. Weight loss vitamin supplements contain active ingredients that can have detrimental effects to your body.

Such negative effects may appear the moment people use a combination of supplements or when they are taken together with certain medications which could cause an adverse reaction to occur.

Undesirable effects can certainly happen if people are trying to replace some prescription medicines with supplements. Be sure to consult your physician before taking any supplements before, during or after surgery.

Therefore, the use of a weight loss vitamin supplement can be useful when dieting but only if taken on the advice of your physician.