Sunday, February 25, 2007

Easy to Follow Weight Loss Tips

1. Drink More Water!

Ok. You've heard this one many times before, but how many people actually drink the recommended 6-8 glasses of water a day? If you really want to lose weight you should be drinking up to 12 glasses a day. Why? When you drink enough water, your body won't retain water, which is stored between cells and makes you look fatter and makes you weigh more. Don't read this thinking that you know this already, but actually start doing it!

2. Insulin - One of your biggest enemies.

Insulin is a hormone chemical that gets releases from the pancreas after you eat food. Insulin is responsible for turning carbohydrates and fats in the food into body fat. The more junk food you eat, the more insulin released into your body which means more fat stored in your body.

So how do you slow the release of insulin in your body?

A. Fiber - eating foods high in fiber with every meal has the effect of slowing the absorption of carbohydrates into the body, which lowers the amount of insulin released. Try to eat as many mixed vegetables as you can each day because they are full of fiber. Not only will they help you lose weight but they will provide you with essential nutrients.

B. Monounsaturated Fat - Eaten in very small quantities with every meal has the same effect as fiber. It significantly slows down the absorption of carbohydrates. Two good sources of this type of fat are canola margerine and natural peanut butter. About 1 teaspoon at every meal is sufficient.

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More About Rob K: For more weight loss tips, visit this website: Easy Weight Loss