Friday, February 16, 2007

Hoodia – Safe way to control obesity

Efficacy and side effect freeness are the two qualities of a good drugs are efficacious but at the same time causes harmful side effects. Some drugs are side effect free but less efficacious. But Hoodia is a natural drug which posses both qualities of a good drug both efficacious and side effect free.

Hoodia is a succulent cactus-like plant found in the great Kalahari desert of South Africa. San Bushmen, the tribal people used to chew the leaves of this plant to suppress their hunger while going on long trips for hunting. Intakes of the leaves of this plant suppress appetite throughout the day.

This remarkable property of appetite suppression was utilized for the manufacture of an appetite suppressant by phytopharm, which isolated P-57, the appetite suppressant element in 1995. at present, unilever in collaboration with phytopharm is licensed to manufacture the drug from Hoodia plant.

Hoodia elevates the blood sugar level is recognized as fullness of the stomach by the brain. So the person will not feel the hunger for a day.

Hoodia preparations are available as Hoodia diet pills, Hoodia capsules and Hoodia health drinks. The dosage of a single tablet is 1200mg. the usual dosage is a single pill/capsule with a glass full of plain water 1 hour before breakfast in the morning.

As Hoodia is a natural drug, it does not contain harmful constituents like matluang , caffeine, Ephedra etc. So it is considered as a safe drug. There is no need for the prescription of a doctor for the intake of this drug. But a doctor must be consulted before starting its use because only a doctor can decide whether Hoodia is suitable for you (or) not. The reasons being,
• Hoodia is not meant for lactating mothers.
• Hoodia is not meant for pregnant ladies.
• Hoodia is not meant for persons with body index less than 27.
• Hoodia is not meant for patient of fat generated cardio-vascular diseases.
• Hoodia is not meant for young children

Do not forget to follow a diet regimen and regular exercise in addition to the usage of diet pill for controlling obesity.

Hoodia is easily available through online order. With this method you will get it at your door steps without letting the people to know how you are getting slimmer day by day.

About the Author

Suga vanash is a writer and researcher for hoodia-advice organization. He writes informative articles for hoodia weight loss subject. For more information on hoodia visit Hoodia Protein Fitness