The holidays and other special occasions can be a challenge if you are trying to lose weight or maintain a weight loss, but with a little bit of planning and fore thought you can get through times without packing on the pounds and you can enjoy them at the same time.
• Keep moving. Keep your exercise routine on track and if at all possible, try to get a little bit of extra exercise in. Exercise will keep your metabolism high and will help keep your appetite in check. If you are able to exercise for an extra twenty minutes, it will help counter act the extra calories you are consuming.
• Control the meals that you can. If you are going to a special dinner in the evening, trying cutting back at breakfast and lunch. You can even do this in the days following the special occasion.
• Don’t deprive yourself. Depriving yourself may often lead to a binge. Enjoy a controlled portion of whatever it is that you are craving. Having a small portion now may keep from eating the whole pie later.
• Invest calories in what you can’t always have. Make room for that once a year treat by passing on a food that you can enjoy all year around.
• Fight eater’s remorse. If you overeat at lunch that does not mean that you have to write off dinner. Each meal is a new opportunity to make healthy choices.
• Get real. Special occasions are not the time to lose weight. If you can maintain your weight you have done well. You won’t have to make up any ground. You will just be starting where you left off.
Special occasions are a time for you to enjoy yourself. Plan ahead and you will be able to get through these occasions without gaining weight and once they are over you can pickup where you left off and resume your regular eating habits.