Friday, December 8, 2006

Tips For Safe Weight Loss

Many people want to trim down so they can look better and feel better. Carrying extra weight can be very unhealthy and it can lead to numerous health complications.

When a person is facing the prospect of having to lose weight they can feel overwhelmed. The gravity of the road ahead can be a lot to absorb and they turn to a quick fix for the problem.

There are many fad diets in existence that claim that they result in fast weight loss. In most cases their claim is true, in a sense. Most of these types of quick fix diets offer the person the chance to shed a high number of pounds the first week they are on the diet. This dramatic weight loss is almost always the result of the body losing water weight.

It might feel great to look down at the scale and see a huge weight loss, but in reality that weight loss could be gained back very quickly if the person reverted back to their normal diet.

There are steps you can take that will guarantee that you have a successful and safe weight loss. Losing weight can be done in a way that is effective long term and at the same time gives you results week after week.

One of the most important aspects in any weight loss plan is exercise. When a person decides they want to lose weight quite often their focus is completely on their diets. They worry over how many calories they are consuming each day and how many of those calories come from fat or carbohydrates.

Diet is an essential ingredient in weight loss, but with a regular exercise regime the weight loss will be more effective and quicker.

When a person exercises it helps to raise their metabolism. This is essential in weight loss. With a higher metabolism, the body can burn more calories and the weight begins to come off.

On the other hand, if a person just restricts calorie consumption the weight loss is much slower. The body views this as a sign of starvation and the metabolism slows instead of speeds up.

Exercise for a weight loss plan doesn’t need to be strenuous. A brisk walk each day is sufficient to aiding in weight loss. Many people incorporate a morning or evening walk into their daily routine.

Another key to safe weight loss is not to take supplements. There are many dietary supplements available over the counter that claim fast and effective weight loss. These types of supplements can be very expensive and depending on your medical history they can be dangerous as well.

If you are serious about beginning a weight loss plan it’s advisable to contact your doctor first. He or she will be able to suggest the best course for you to take including your daily calorie and exercise needs. The doctor can also chart your weight loss progress and help you if you reach a plateau.

Weight loss can help you to feel not only healthier but more attractive as well. With a safe weight loss you’ll find renewed energy and a wonderful feeling of self confidence and accomplishment. Weight loss isn’t an easy thing but when you do it, you’ll never be more proud of yourself