Sunday, February 4, 2007

Reasons To Lose Weight

Before discussing the motivations for weight loss, first we need to define what a proper bodyweight is and when it is advisable to get rid of some pounds. As the "ideal body" has changed several times during the history, it is completely useless to live up to expectations. So if we try to define the ideal body weight, we not only take into consideration appearance, but we also give serious consideration to health.

We have several indexes to define the quantity of "excess" weight, one of them being the BMI (body mass index). This index measures the ratio between your body weight and height raised on the second power. According to the National Institutes of Health BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is perfectly normal, overweight is between 25-29.9, obesity I means 30-34.9, obesity II means BMI 35-39.9 and obesity III (extreme) is BMI over 40. An accurate BMI Calculator is a handy tool for anyone concerned with potentially excess body fat.

Having excess body fat has become a very frequent phenomenon, both in children and adults. Being obese means being more vulnerable to some serious disease such as hypertension, type II diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, coronary diseases, stroke, joint problems, endocrinological and psychosocial disturbances.

Some other diseases that present a higher prevalence in overweight people include malignant tumors, thromboembolic diseases, digestive tract problems, as well as skin diseases. Naturally, this does not mean, that people with a normal BMI will never experience these kind of diseases, just that the risk is greater when having fat content is excessive.

Losing weight can reduce this risk significantly, and it can also improve your health in other ways. If you are overweight, just by losing 10% of your current weight can make a difference in how you feel on a daily basis. Your cholesterol levels will get lower, as well as the pain and aches in joints will slowly disappear. You'll experience an improved mobility, breathing and blood sugar level, and your energy level will increase. Consequently, you'll sleep better, wake up more rested and feel more full of life.

These factors include the main reasons to lose weight if you are currently overweight. If you are strongly motivated to lose it, great weight loss programs, diets, physical exercises, and advice from healthcare specialists are available to achieve this. It is strongly recommended to lose weight based on the proper motivation, and to stay within a healthy range. Abnormal leanness and malnutrition can lead to other serious diseases, and even death.