Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Omega-3 And Weight Loss

If you have made the decision to lose weight, you probably would like to see results as quickly and effectively as possible. Most experts will agree that the safest way to weight loss is through a combination of a healthy, low-calorie diet combined with a daily program of physical activity. But what if you have already implemented these two elements into your daily lifestyle? Is there another way to increase your edge and set you on a more direct path to achieve your weight loss goals? There has been much written recently about the link between omega-3 fatty acids and weight loss results. The evidence has been compelling, and suggests that omega-3 promotes weight loss, whether in the form of supplements, or increasing the intake of food that contains this essential fatty acid.

What is Omega-3?

Omega-3 is considered an essential fatty acid that the body does not produce, but must receive from an outside source. The best way to get omega-3 fatty acids into your body is through eating a diet that is rich in canola oil, walnuts, and a variety of fish, including salmon, sardines, tuna and herring. The other way to increase your intake of the omega-3 fatty acid is to take fish oil supplements, which can be found in most pharmacies and health food stores.

While it has been known for some time that this essential fatty acid was beneficial in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, questions began to arise over a connection between omega-3 and weight loss. It made sense that if omega-3 fatty acids lowered cholesterol and helped to control blood sugar levels, that it would be beneficial for dieters as well.

Studies on Omega-3 And Its Effects With Fat Loss

The next step was for researchers to study the link between them in controlled, clinical studies. Most of the results of these studies have shown that people who take fish oil supplements or eat a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids had a significant increase in weight loss amounts than those who did not.

Most of the researchers that have studied this link between omega-3 and weight loss will stress the importance of combining the intake of omega-3 fatty acids with a low-calorie, healthy diet and a regular exercise program. However, if you are having trouble losing weight due to genetic factors, a slow metabolism or other factors, taking an omega-3 supplement can increase the effectiveness of your diet and exercise efforts.

The research has shown that omega-3 assists in weight loss by keeping insulin levels in the body low. This is why this supplement is also very helpful for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes. When insulin levels in the body are high, it inhibits the body from burning fat for fuel, allowing the fat to remain in the storehouses of the body and keeping weight up as well. Lower insulin levels will make the body burn the excess fat within for fuel, speeding the rate of weight loss. If you are about to begin a weight loss program of any kind, taking a fish oil supplement or increasing the amount of omega-3 foods in your diet will give you an advantage in achieving your goals.

How much Omega-3 for Fat Loss?

Many health care professionals will recommend a daily intake of 3000 to 4000 mg. of standardized fish oil. This translates into two or three servings of cold-water fish each week or fish oil capsules that will equal this dosage amount. There are side effects that some folks experience when taking the fish oil supplements, such as flatulence and diarrhea. These issues can be greatly reduced by taking a time-release version of the capsules.

The fish oil supplements can also interact with some types of medications, so it is important to talk to your doctor before beginning any type of supplement regimen. However, if you are looking for a way to see results with your diet and exercise program, omega-3 and weight loss may be a link that you want to consider.

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Effective Weight Training For Women Leads To Leaner, Healthier Bodies

For a long time, weight training was seen as an activity performed by macho men in sweaty gyms. The times have changed, as many men and women are learning the benefits of weight training for everyone, not just the men with big biceps and sculpted torsos.

Strength training can prevent injuries, promote stamina and increase self confidence. It is easy to learn, and does not take as much time as you might think. Thirty minutes of workout time three times a week can bring you the sculpted and toned body that you have dreamed about.

As free weights and strength training machines have made their way out of the gyms and into recreation centers, fitness centers and even basements, weight training for women has gained momentum.

Starlets like Marilyn Monroe and Madonna have stuck with a regular strength training regimen to maximize their assets. Other women are finding the benefits of weight training as well. Bulking up is not always the goal, but weight training can simply mean toning muscles and ridding the body of unwanted fat. Swimsuit season seems to be just around the corner! Are you ready for a woman weight training program?

The Warm-up

Before beginning a program, it is important to find a personal trainer or fitness expert that can show you the right methods for strength training. Using the wrong form on machines or with the free weights can result in pain and injury, so start out on the right foot by enlisting the help of a professional who can properly teach you.

It is also very important to warm up your muscles before beginning a weight training session. This can be accomplished with a few laps around the track of your fitness center, or a few minutes of work on the treadmill or the bike. Keep in mind that a warm-up does not mean a quick sprint, a ten minutes of easy walking or pedaling will do the trick.

How Many Repetitions, and How Much Weight?

While a personal trainer can get you started on the right path in your womans weight training regimen, the answers to these questions will depend a lot on you and what you can lift. The key is to find the weight amount that will tire you at the end of twelve repetitions. The final lift or curl should be as challenging as you can handle, but the rest of the reps should be quite doable. If you are working out with the proper weight amount, one set of twelve repetitions should be enough. However many women weight trainers prefer to finish two or three sets with a slightly lower weight amount, to ensure that toning is occurring without adding too much muscle bulk.

A weight training program for female should include two or three sessions every week that last about 30 minutes each. It is very important to spend a day after a session resting the muscles that were used. You can either do a full workout every other day, or do shorter daily sessions where you work your legs one day and your arms and upper body the next. The great thing about weight training for women is that you can tailor your program to your individual needs and schedule limitations.

Weight training for women offers many benefits, including increased strength and stamina, increased flexibility and better weight management. As people age, muscle mass decreases and will be replaced with fat if something is not done. Weight training can control that process, assisting with weight management as you age.

It is also a good way to ward off osteoporosis, since regular strength training will increase bone density. Osteoporosis is a big health concern with women of menopausal age, so weight training for women becomes even more important as a woman reaches mid-life.

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Lose Pregnancy Weight Effectively

Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. While our baby grows, our body is changing to accommodate more room for him or her. Without the weight gain, you and your baby could end up with major health problems. But, just because gaining weight is necessary doesn't mean we can't get rid of that baby weight after pregnancy. How to lose the pregnancy weight healthily and quickly is the key.

Many of us have struggled with weight loss over our lives. We work hard to keep up with our diet and exercise programs, but often lose momentum when our energy is zapped by the pregnancy. Combining every day life events and tasks is hard enough while working to stay healthy. Being pregnant can be that much more difficult. But it is possible to lose that baby weight with a few simple tips.

When starting any new exercise and diet plan, consulting with your doctor is essential to keep your health up to par. Getting back into the swing of things slowly is the key. Remember, your body is recovering from major changes. Your ligaments are still soft and muscles overstretched; both of which could cause extreme injury if your body is not ready. However, just because you need to start slowly and take it easy at first, doesn't mean that you can't get going on the weight loss.

Make sure you are eating a well balanced diet. Not only is this going to keep you healthy (and your baby, too, if you are breast feeding), but you will be able to lose the pregnancy weight more easily. Remember, even if you are breast feeding, you don't need to eat for two any longer. Keep up with the good foods, just not the portion sizes.

Foods like sugars, caffeine, processed foods, and sodium are not only bad for you, they are bad for your baby too. If you aren't breast feeding and don't need to worry about what you eat being what your baby is eating, still consider what it is you are putting into your body. If you wouldn't feed it to your baby, you shouldn't be eating it either. The more fresh and natural your foods are, the better your body will react and the faster weight loss will start.

Eating habits alone are not the only way to help shed the pregnancy pounds. If you have not started, try out your new stroller. If you can only make it around the block once, don't worry. The purpose is to get moving and get your body back to moving normally. With each walk you take, you're going to become stronger and you will start to lose the pregnancy weight. You will also get an opportunity to get fresh air and a change of scenery, which is important for your metal state as well as your physical.

Each new day with baby is a learning experience. Don't make losing weight more difficult than it needs to be. Watch what you eat; fresh and natural foods in small portions. Move each day by walking with baby or finding other ways to get some exercise (doing all of the laundry for those tiny clothes and blankets is another good start). As long as you take one baby step at a time, you will say good bye to pregnancy weight before you know it.

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Free Weight Loss Exercise Program

You have done it. You have made up your mind that it is time to drop those extra pounds and move on to a leaner and healthier lifestyle. You also know that the best method for achieving your goals is a combination of a healthy diet that you will be able to adopt for life, and a daily exercise program. Good for you! You have made some significant steps on the road to a successful weight loss program.

Now the question becomes, what will be the best exercise regimen for you to follow? You want to select from the variety of choices in physical activity that you will enjoy and be able to stick with. You would also like to find an exercise program that will not cost you an arm and a leg. Personal trainers are helpful but expensive, as are fitness center memberships and gym equipment for the basement. So what do you do? Find the best free weight loss exercise program for you, of course!

Weight Loss Workout Programs are Effective for Everyone

The good news is that there are a number of these programs to choose from. You can pick from one that is structured like those that are found on the Internet, or you can simply develop your own plan. With a little bit of research on the safest ways to exercise and the types of activities that burn the most calories, you will be on your way to a free weight loss exercise program that will deliver the results that you desire. Do not let anyone tell you that the best exercises in life are not free. Do your homework so that you can make informed choices, and then get to the workout! There are plenty of choices available so you are guaranteed to find an activity that you like.

Before setting up your free fat loss exercise program, check the Internet for a plethora of information on the most effective types of workouts available. Some sites will even offer worksheets so that you can keep a log that tracks your progress. You can also find guidance online on how to set weight loss exercise goals, and learn how to stay motivated for the long haul. By taking the time to establish a comprehensive plan for your free weight loss exercise program, you will be much more likely to stick with it and meet your goals head-on.

Different Types of Free Fat Loss Programs

So what types of free programs are out there to choose from? The first one that comes to most peoples minds is a walking routine. Aside from a pair of good walking shoes, you can walk as long as you want and as far as you want without paying a single penny! Outdoor walks are the most beneficial health wise, since you will reap the benefits of the fresh air and sunshine, but when the snow or rain fall, indoor walking can serve your purpose as well.

Try to begin your walking program with ten minutes of exercise six days a week, or 20 minutes for three days. Make sure that you begin your weight loss exercise program with a warm-up that can be as simple as a few minutes of light walking to warm up your muscles and cardiovascular system.

Once you have developed a good routine in your weight loss exercise program, and you are ready to progress, you can increase the time and the speed of your walk for a more intense workout. For even more intensity, move into jogging for part of your route. You will see maximum results in your free weight loss exercise program without having to open your checkbook even once.

Exercise not have to cost you a thing besides time and effort. Develop a weight loss exercise program that you will enjoy, and you will stick with your plan for maximum results and benefits.

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Yu Chung Leong

A Weight Control Diet for A Lifetime Of Weight Management

If you are thinking about losing weight this year, consider a disturbing statistic. For every twenty people who successfully lose the weight they desire, only one will actually keep the weight off over the long term. The problem in maintaining a healthy weight comes before the first trip to the scale is ever made.

The mistake that so many dieters make is in selecting a program for weight loss that will bring the quickest results possible, instead of hunting for a diet for weight control. This is precisely why so many of the fad diets on the market today make astronomical sales figures and then disappear forever. While many of these plans will deliver on a little bit of quick weight loss, few have the substance to follow through in meeting your full weight loss goal, and most will offer little guidance on how to keep the weight off for good.

It is a simple fact of life that the most effective weight loss diet will also be the best weight control eating plan for you. Instead of thinking in terms of a nutritional plan that will greatly restrict and limit your variety of food choices, you must work to develop a program of healthy eating that will become the menu that you adopt for life.

While this may seem like a big bite to chew on, consider the fact that healthy eating brings a multitude of benefits to your body and mind that go well beyond weight loss and maintenance. Every system in your body will thank you for feeding it with a healthy diet by looking and feeling their absolute best.

Weight Control Diets that Work are Slow and Steady

When you make the decision that you are going to lose weight, the best method to choose is one that will bring a slow and steady weight loss that will eventually meet your goals. Diets that promise to knock off the pounds quickly will be impossible to stick with over the long term.

Many will leave you feeling hungry at times, and will force you to give up too many foods that you enjoy. If you select a weight control eating plan that is heavy in the fresh fruits and vegetable and light on the high fat, foods, you will find a plan that will be yours for life. It is not easy at first to learn to trade that muffin in the morning with an egg and whole wheat toast, or to trade that dish of ice cream with a bowl of fresh fruit, but in time it will become much easier to make the healthy choices.

Exercise Is No Exception

Here is another part of the weight loss program that will be most effective if it is done gradually. Instead of deciding that you will spend 90 minutes huffing and puffing at the gym every day, commit yourself to a 20 minute walk outdoors each day. Once you learn how enjoyable those 20 minutes can be, you will be much more inclined to increase the amount of your physical activity. However, if you start out by setting extreme and unrealistic fitness goals for yourself, your plan will fizzle before you take a whole lot of trips to the gym.

Weight control eating plans require a plan that is easy to implement and easier to follow. Relearn your food habits by incorporating more healthy choices into your daily menu, and a reduction of the bad foods will be a natural result. Start out with an exercise program that will be easy for you to stick with, and you will be much more likely to be enjoying the positive results a year or two later.

It is only partly about losing the pounds. The rest of the story is all about keeping that weight off with an effective weight control diet, so that you look and feel good for life. The tortoise knew what he was talking about; slow and steady wins the race.

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Hoodia Riview The Pro and Cons on the Market of Weight Loss Products

Hoodia Gordonii is a cactus of the "succulent" cactus family, which has grown for thousands of years in the Kalahari Desert region. Hoodia has been used by the indigenous Bushmen as a natural appetite suppressant and thirst quencher during their long hunting trips for generations.

How Does Hoodia work?

Scientists believe that the reason for Hoodia's appetite suppressing abilities is a molecule called "P57". Normally, when you eat the glucose in your body rises and eventually signals to your brain (the hypothalamus) that you are full. It is believed that "P57" molecule in Hoodia mimics the effect that glucose has on your brain, telling part of your brain (the Hypothalamus) that you feel full. Consequently, you have no desire to eat.

Does Hoodia Help People Lose Weight?

One of the first studies of Hoodia Gordonii was done in the UK on obese patients. Half of the volunteers were given Hoodia Gordonii, the other half were given a placebo. The subjects were allowed to read, watch television and eat. After 15 days it was found that those taking Hoodia had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. Despite having unlimited access to food, the Hoodia subjects lost weight.

Is Hoodia Safe?

Since Hoodia is a plant (versus a man-made chemical), it is completely natural and experts say it is safe to eat. Scientists have been studying Hoodia for almost 10 years and have not found any side effects. (Not to mention the San Tribesman who have been eating Hoodia for years with seemingly no ill effects).

What Can You Do?

One way to tell if a Hoodia pill is real is to look for a document called the C.I.T.E.S. Certificate (The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Since the Hoodia plant is a protected plant species it can only be sold to an exporter who has this certificate.

In 1937, a Dutch anthropologist studying the San Bushmen noted their use of hoodia gordonii to suppress appetite. In 1963, scientists at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa's national laboratory, began studying hoodia. They claimed that lab animals lost weight after they were given hoodia gordonii.

The South African scientists, working with a British company named Phytopharm, isolated what they believed to be an active ingredient in hoodia gordonii, a steroidal glycoside, which they named p57. After obtaining a patent in 1995, they licensed p57 to Phytopharm. Phytopharm has spent more than $20 million on hoodia research.

Eventually pharmaceutical giant Pfizer learned about hoodia and expressed interest in developing a hoodia drug. In 1998, Phytopharm sub-licensed the rights to develop p57 to Pfizer for $21 million. Pfizer returned the rights to hoodia to Phytopharm, who is now working with Unilever.

Much of the hype about hoodia started after 60 Minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl and crew traveled to Africa to try hoodia. They hired a local Bushman to go with them into the desert and track down some hoodia. Stahl ate it, describing it as "cucumbery in texture, but not bad." She reported that she lost the desire to eat or drink the entire day. She also said she didn't experience any immediate side effects, such as indigestion or heart palpitations.

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3 Reasons Why You Might Be Having Trouble Losing Weight

At the conclusion of this article you will know the reasons behind why some people don't achieve the weight loss results they want when living a healthy lifestyle. They either are not cutting back on the amount of calories and fat they eat daily. They may be not getting enough exercise. However, there are other reasons that often get overlooked also. If you are one of the many dieters who have plateaud and are not loosing any more weight, or have not lost any weight at all, then you may want to double check to make sure you're doing the following steps.

Reason Why You Might Be Having Trouble Losing Weight #1 You're not modifying your calorie intake as you lose weight

Let me use an example to explain what I'm talking about: Let's say that when you first started eating healthy you cut out 500 calories a day through eating less and exercising. Let's also say that it is three months later and you've lost 15 pounds and can't seem to lose any more. The problem is that the heavier you are the more calories you burn, so now that you've lost 15 pounds you may only be burning 300 calories a day instead of 500. This means that you need to cut your caloric intake again either by eating fewer calories or exercising more vigorously, or a combination of both.

Reason Why You Might Be Having Trouble Losing Weight #2 You're not keeping an exact record of how many calories you're burning during your workout

You cannot rely on the calorie counter on a treadmill or stair climber to give you an exact count of how many calories you burn during your workout unless you input the data that the machines need in order to make the proper calculations. If you just jump on the machine and press the quick start button, the machine will only give you a calorie burn estimate based on general parameters. If you prefer aerobics or weight lifting you can still keep an accurate count by using a calorie counter. Many of which can be easily found on the Internet.

Reason Why You Might Be Having Trouble Losing Weight #3 You're ingesting the same amount of calories as you burn while exercising

For some reason, some people enter a healthy lifestyle regimen under the impression that if they work out and burn 700 calories, this entitles them to eat an extra 700 calories during one of their meals. This reasoning is way off target. The whole idea behind diet and exercise is to reduce your caloric intake while not starving and wearing yourself down. If you cut 500 calories from your diet and burn another 700 while working out, then you burn 1,200 calories a day. This is to your advantage so don't go and regain the 700 calories you busted your butt to lose.

Sometimes the answer to your problem is right in front of your eyes. Don't beat yourself up over it. Just make the necessary changes and the weight will start disappearing again before you know it.

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What You Should Know About Hoodia Weight Loss

Hoodia gordonii (pronounced HOO-dee-ah) is also called hoodia, xhooba, !khoba, Ghaap, hoodia cactus, and South African desert cactus.

Hoodia is a cactus that's causing a stir for its ability to suppress appetite and promote weight loss. 60 Minutes, ABC, and the BBC have all done stories on hoodia. Hoodia is sold in capsule, liquid, or tea form in health food stores and on the Internet. Hoodia gordonii can be found in the semi-deserts of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola. Hoodia grows in clumps of green upright stems and is actually a succulent, not a cactus. It takes about 5 years before hoodia's pale purple flowers appear and the cactus can be harvested. Although there are 20 types of hoodia, only the hoodia gordonii variety is believed to contain the natural appetite suppressant.

Although hoodia was "discovered" relatively recently, the San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert have been eating it for a very long time. The Bushmen, who live off the land, would cut off part of the hoodia stem and eat it to ward off hunger and thirst during nomadic hunting trips. They also used hoodia for severe abdominal cramps, haemorrhoids, tuberculosis, indigestion, hypertension and diabetes.

In 1937, a Dutch anthropologist studying the San Bushmen noted that they used hoodia to suppress appetite. But it wasn't until 1963 when scientists at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South Africa's national laboratory, began studying hoodia. Initial results were promising -- lab animals lost weight after taking hoodia.

The South African scientists, working with a British company named Phytopharm, isolated the active ingredient in hoodia, a steroidal glycoside, which they named p57. After getting a patent in 1995, they licensed p57 to Phytopharm. Phytopharm has spent more than $20 million on hoodia research.

Eventually pharmaceutical giant Pfizer (makers of Viagra) caught wind of hoodia and became interested in developing a hoodia drug. In 1998, Phytopharm sub-licensed the rights to develop p57 to Pfizer for $21 million. Pfizer recently returned the rights to hoodia to Phytopharm, who is now working with Unilever.
What you need to know about hoodia

Hoodia appears to suppress appetite
Much of the buzz about hoodia started after 60 minutes correspondent Leslie Stahl and crew traveled to Africa to try hoodia. They hired a local Bushman to go with them into the desert and track down some hoodia. Stahl ate it, describing it as "cucumbery in texture, but not bad." She lost the desire to eat or drink the entire day. She also didn't experience any immediate side effects, such as indigestion or heart palpitations. Stahl concluded, "I'd have to say it did work."

In animal studies, hoodia is believed to reduce caloric intake by 30 to 50 percent. There is one human study showing a reduced intake of about 1000 calories per day. However, I haven't been able to find either study to actually read for myself and am going on secondhand reports.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What Does A Free Weight Loss Program Have To Offer

Growing up I was taught there is no such thing as a free lunch. We all want things that are free in life and most people would love to find some quality free resources when it comes to planning your weight loss goals. If you were to carry out a search on Google using the term "free weight loss program on the net" you will be amazed at the amount of results that you get for this search.

Today there are many places on the net that can provide you with a great collection of free weight loss resources that will help you in achieving your goals. There are so many web sites to check out you could waste a lot of your time trying to decide which sites will really help you out with your weight loss goals. But in order for you to be successful you need to find the best free weight loss plan that will best suit your needs.

Many of the better free weight loss plans will provide you with the following: -

1. Discussion Groups. This is a place where you can meet up with like-minded people who are also trying to lose those extra pounds. During such discussion groups you will be able to ask questions and get advice from those in the know all for free.

2. Body Fat Calculator. This is a great tool when looking to set up a weight loss program as this tool will help to determine just how much body fat you have and just how much of it you will need to lose. Again there is no need to pay a fee to use this handy tool.

3. A good free weight loss program on the net will offer to provide you with details relating to the types of foods that you can eat as well as providing you with healthy recipes. They will often have a database that has been set up providing you with lots of different low fat recipes that you may well want to try.

4. Any good free weight loss program will have a professional at hand who will be able to answer any questions that you may have through their discussion groups that were previously mentioned above.

Today there are many different types of free weight loss programs on the many web sites around, but by keeping in mind the points above you should find one that really suits your requirements.

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Monday, March 19, 2007

Women's Health and Weight Loss Tip 1: Lose Weight to Fight Osteoporosis

It is a well known fact that exercise and weight loss make you both look and feel better. Another bit of common knowledge is that to lose weight, control your diet, and exercise regularly gives you a healthier heart.

In addition to the previously mentioned benefits of proper diet and exercise are several other very specific health benefits of having a regular exercise and weight loss program.

One additional health benefits of exercise and weight loss activities is guarding against osteoporosis, the disease that makes the bones weak and brittle with age.

Weight-bearing activities like walking, ellyptical machine, and jogging, have been shown to strengthen the skeletal system and lower the risk of the development of this very debilitating disease.

The primary reason for this is that exercises that force the body to bear weight make the bones more dense over time as opposed to a sedentary lifestyle, in which the bones get weaker and more brittle due to a lack of force placed against them.

In women in particular, the low estrogen levels that often accomopany menopause and/or very sporadic menstruation make the problem even worse as the bones lose a lot of their mineral content and weaken accordingly.

In addition, such activities that many take part in to either lose weight or maintain an already healthy body composition have also been shown to aid in preventing further development of the disease for those who have already been diagnosed and have received clearance from their doctor.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.

Weight: The Thanksgiving Hangover

The feasting is over. The turkey has disappeared: roasted and hot, microwaved leftovers, then cold sandwiches and eventually croquettes or thrown into soup.

You climb on the scale with trepidation and breathe a long sigh of relief when the dreaded poundage fails to appear. Before you relax and think you got away with it, remember that your sneaky little body is playing its usual tricks. Two or three days of Spartan eating will make you feel virtuous again -until you step on the scale and find you've gained 5 pounds. "Fraud" you shriek. "I've been so good!"

Remember the holiday feast? It has finally caught up with you as you knew, deep down, that it would.

What to do?

We all need brief periods of self-indulgence - it's part of the human condition. Expect a setback on your weight loss goals and let that knowledge mitigate your disappointment. Then continue on your diet with the assurance that a special occasion blip doesn't define your future. Enjoy the memories of a family gathering while carefully planning your next week's intake.

Appreciate what you have accomplished so far and avoid loading yourself down with guilt and self-reproach.

Get back on your program as quickly as possible because (sorry to bring this up now) Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat.

Virginia Bola is a licensed psychologist and an admitted diet fanatic. She specializes in therapeutic reframing and the effects of attitudes and motivation on individual goals. The author of The Wolf at the Door: An Unemployment Survival Manual, and a free ezine, The Worker's Edge, she recently published a psychologically-based weight control e-workbook, "Diet with an Attitude" which develops mental skills towards the goal of permanent weight control.

Why Your Diet May Not Be Working

Jennifer, a middle-aged single mother with one six-year-old daughter, has been skipping sweets for a few weeks now. She’s also become a stickler for portion control. She feels as if she’s eating less than ever, and she’s been diligently exercising for an hour at a time at least four days a week. Yet, she hasn’t lost a single pound. The question is, “Why?”

This is a dilemma which affects dieters the world over. They think they are taking the steps necessary to lose weight, but nothing seems to be happening. In essence, they are trapped in a dieting rut and they don’t know how to free themselves. As a result, they become frustrated and depressed and may then engage in binge eating.

One of the problems with diets is that they are often standardized. As a result, they don’t take into consideration your individual physiology and metabolism. They provide a cookie-cutter approach to weight loss—an approach which may not work in your individual case. As a result, an increasing number of people are turning to dieticians to formulate a person weight loss strategy for them. This process has been made easier through the Internet, where you can correspond with a dietician any time of the day or night via e-mail. The dietician can also act as your personal coach, helping you through your dieting dilemmas.

Another reason that you may be failing at your diet is because of a lack of support. You may have family members who can eat whatever they want and seemingly not gain a pound. As a result, they may fill your refrigerator with junk food, leading you into temptation. Also, you may feel as if you have no one to turn to in order to discuss your weight problems. In order to solve this problem, many individuals look to psychotherapists to help them with their food-related issues. This can be particularly important if an individual has turned to purging in an effort to combat their weight problems. Bulimia is a serious disease which must be treated in order to ensure the good health of the patient. Thankfully, there are a number of treatment programs throughout the U.S. specifically focusing on bulimia.

Yet another reason for diet failure is hidden calories. You may literally be consuming calories and not even realize it. For instance, the frappucinos that are so popular today are loaded with calories—as many as 600 in a single serving! You may also be indulging in sugary sodas—another source of extra calories. By taking a few simple steps, such as eliminating the exotic coffee drinks from your diet and substituting skim milk for whole milk, you may be able to eliminate the hidden calories that are denying you dieting success.

Lack of consistency can also be a diet-killer. You might go on a diet for a while, then quit before you’ve made any measurable progress. It’s only natural to want to see quick results. The problem is that healthy weight loss involves losing only a couple of pounds a week. That means you’ll have to stay on your diet for months before you see appreciable weight loss. Discouraging? It can be, but if you keep a positive attitude you can achieve your ideal weight.

You may also be more successful in your dieting if you consider it to be a lifestyle change. Therefore, your diet becomes a meal plan for life. This means that you must change the way you look at food. It is designed to be fuel for your body, and nothing more. As a result, you should not turn to food to make you feel better or to provide you with a sense of comfort. A lifestyle change implies commitment; it means that you are prepared to follow the plan for the long haul. If you feel as if you cannot be on your diet for any appreciable length of time, perhaps it’s time to consider a different diet. Your aim ultimately should be not simply to lose weight, but to become healthier. A fad diet will not allow you to reach that milestone. Therefore, you must choose your diet carefully.

Nishanth Reddy is an Author and Publisher of various health related websites.

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How to Naturally Turn Your Slow Metabolism into a Fast Fat Burning Machine

When Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays come around where I eat more than usual, I never feel guilty about how much I had eaten. The reason is because I’ve learned how to train my metabolism to burn enough body fat to allow me to have more “cheat” days. I’m not saying to eat anything and everything once you increase your metabolism (this is unhealthy), but what I am saying is that once your body is use to being in the fat burning mode, the guilt of eating “fattening” foods on holidays is not there (at least not for me). Whenever I feel that my metabolism is slowing down, I don’t worry at all because I know exactly what to do to get my metabolism back on its fat burning track. Once you understand how powerful your metabolism is when you feed it energy (continuous small meals throughout the day along with exercise) and how powerful it is to burn fat, you will experience guilt free “cheat” days too.

Increase metabolism for easy weight loss and fat burning

Metabolism = the amount of calories our bodies burn per day.

To permanently lose body fat weight, you must increase your metabolism. In order to increase your metabolism, you must do weight training exercises to condition your muscles and feed your metabolism by eating regularly throughout the day.

A slow metabolism results in less fat loss

When we lose weight, we also lose protein from our muscles. The faster we lose weight (by cutting down too much on our calorie intake), the more protein is used for energy; and when you lose too much protein from your muscles the result is a slow metabolism. This happens because your muscles need protein to grow and stay strong. When protein is taken from your muscles, you lose muscle tissue. Muscle tissues are metabolically active and burn calories (even at rest). Your body needs calories to feed these metabolically active tissues so that it has energy to continue to burn calories. The calories that are burned also come from the fat that is stored in your body. So in other words, the more calories you eat, the more energy your metabolism has to burn the fat that is stored in your body. Without the calorie intake, your metabolism has no energy therefore it will slow down and you will burn fat at a very slow rate (if you burn any at all). Having energy is not the only reason for a fast or slow metabolism. You see, when you significantly cut down on your daily calorie intake, your metabolism burns calories slower to prevent your body from starving. Being that your body now doesn’t know when you will feed it; your body will store the calories to be used later. The calories that are stored, are stored as fat.

Increase your metabolism and lose more body fat weight than water weight

When you lose protein from your muscles, you not only lose muscle tissue, but you will also lose water. Protein holds about 4 times its weight in water. To lose 10 pounds of body fat, you would need to burn 35,000 calories (3500 calories = 1 pound). If you lose those 10 pounds in one week do you honestly believe that it was body fat? The answer is no, only about 2 pounds was fat and the rest was water (Do not be fooled by what the scale says!) When you increase your metabolism, your body has a reason to hold onto the protein (remember protein holds water) and use the energy to burn fat.

Yes you will lose some protein from your muscles even if you lose weight the right way. The key is to provide your muscles with enough protein each day so that it can not only replace your protein loss, but use the extra protein to help build new muscle tissue and stay conditioned.

Eat more food to increase your metabolism

Protein helps build muscle, but carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy. When your body has a deficiency of energy (carbohydrates) and takes the protein from your muscles as energy, the protein is converted to carbohydrates before it’s used as an energy source. Therefore, when you eat, you must have the right amount of carbohydrates and proteins in your body so that energy can be used efficiently. You must also eat more frequently to fuel your metabolism all day long. Eating at least 5-6 small meals each day will give your metabolism the continuous supply of energy it needs to burn fat longer and faster. If you are short on time and not able to cook, do not resort to eating junk food as one of your meals; instead opt for a good meal replacement product to satisfy your body.

Exercise to increase your metabolism

Exercise in general burns calories. Weight training will help you to increase your metabolism because that is how you condition your metabolically active muscles. Whenever you increase your physical activity, especially through exercise, you must increase the amount of calories you consume each day. Remember, the more energy (calories) you give your muscles, the more energy it has to burn fat that is stored in your body. Also remember the less energy you give you body, the more protein will be taken from your muscles to be converted to carbohydrates as energy, which leads to a slow metabolism.

This article was written by Vernita Sherman of Ultimate Fat Burning Plan. Ultimate Fat Burning Plan is an online resource dedicated to exposing fat burning secrets that weight loss companies are keeping from you. Vernita focuses on teaching you the truth about how to permanently lose weight the healthy way.

Weight Loss Diets: How To Make Them Work

As we all know, weight loss diets are big business. And looking at the statistics, it's easy to see why. Currently, an estimated 58 million American adults are overweight (BMI 25+), of whom an estimated 40 million are obese (BMI 30+), 9.6 million are seriously obese and 6 million suffer from super-obesity (BMI 40+). Worldwide statistics on overweight are equally alarming, as reflected in the new word "globesity". In China, the number of overweight people has risen from less than 10 percent to 15 percent in just three years. In Brazil and Colombia, the figure of overweight is about 40 percent - comparable with several European countries. Even sub-Saharan Africa is seeing an increase in obesity, especially among urban women. In all regions, obesity appears to escalate as income increases. And the higher the incidence of obesity, the higher the incidence of weight-related disease, including: type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders like insulin resistance, and cancers of the breast and colon.


Both the US Surgeon General and the Dietary Guidelines For Americans (2005) issued by the US Dept of Agriculture emphasise the need for calorie control and increased physical exercise to reduce the overweight epidemic, but evidence suggests that conventional diet methods do not provide significant weight reduction, due to poor compliance. Surveys show that annual weight loss resulting from convention diet and exercise programs averages less than 8 pounds per annum, while in a 4-year follow-up study of programs incorporating the use of obesity drugs, behavior modification, diet and exercise, the final average weight loss was 3 pounds. This apparent failure of conventional weight loss methods is often contrasted with the 30-40 percent average weight loss following bariatric surgery.


Fashion sells products, and weight loss diets are no exception. First we had low-fat diets, which were promoted as heart-friendly ways of reducing weight. Unfortunately, this message was interpreted by consumers as "all fats are bad, all carbs are good", and led to an unhealthy overconsumption of refined carbs. With the relaunch of Dr Atkins "New Diet Revolution", the fashion penduluum swung the other way. Now carbs were the enemy, not fat.

After Atkins came the South Beach Diet, which offered us a more moderate low-carb approach. Now, it is GI diets - based on foods with a lower glycemic response - that are high fashion and, being scientifically more beneficial, are likely to remain so for some time. However, while the food composition of diets may change, the basic law of weight loss remains unaltered: calorie expenditure must exceed calorie intake. To this extent, provided a diet is calorie-controlled and includes foods from all food groups, the exact composition of foods remains no more than a matter of personal taste.


When assessing the effectiveness of conventional dieting methods, due regard must be paid to general eating habits. In America at least, these do not appear to be helpful. Despite the mounting evidence of weight-related ill-health, social eating habits continue to develop in unhealthy directions. Value-for-money "supersizing" continues to attract customers, while fast-food sales continue to rise. And the continuing demand for "instant" food only inspires the food industry to produce more and more refined food options bulging with nutritional deficiency and calorie-overload. Is it any wonder that levels of diet-compliance among average dieters is so low? Meantime, an estimated 78 percent of Americans do not meet basic activity level recommendations, while 25 percent are completely sedentary.


If conventional diet programs remain less than perfect ways of tackling overweight in the face of engrained eating habits, it would be misleading to write them off completely. Not only does research data from the US National Weight Control Registry demonstrate that long term weight reduction is perfectly achievable, a number of diet programs, especially medically-supervised clinic-based programs, are consistently effective. What distinguishes these diets is the level of counseling support which subjects receive. Nowadays, this support can be provided in various ways, including: mandatory group meetings, one-on-one sessions, online forums or chat-rooms. And it seems to work. For example, according to recent studies, the average weight reduction for a 10-12 week clinic-based obesity program involving meal-replacement diets, exercise and counseling support is 5.5 pounds.


If getting proper support is one way of improving conventional diets, dieters need to rethink their approach. Instead of focusing attention on finding the optimal eating-plan, they need to look for programs offering optimal support. Weight Watchers is an obvious choice but diets organised around the workplace or other social groupings may also provide natural help. Online programs with forum support might also be considered. In any event, there is no substitute for a reliable dieting partner.


Given the fact that losing as little as 7-10 percent of body weight can improve many of the problems linked to being overweight, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, some obesity experts advocate a less formal approach to calorie control. They recommend adopting certain healthy habits rather than following a specific diet. An example might be a 200-calorie-a-day reduction achievable by taking a moderate 30 minute walk, and switching from (say) whole milk to skimmed milk. This saves 73,000 calories a year - the equivalent of 20 pounds of body fat. The commercial response to this approach is already visible in programs such as the "Three Hour Diet", which recommends regular eating to maintain a regular rate of calorie burning. Expect to see more weight loss programs like this, which emphasise specific habits.


Current levels of overweight and obesity require urgent attention. To be effective, conventional diet programs need to provide optimal support rather than optimal food composition, in order to facilitate diet compliance. For people who are unable or unwilling to follow a specific weight loss plan, making small but specific changes may be sufficient to achieve significant improvements in health.

Linda Smyth B.Sc., RD, aged 51, is a qualified dietitian and nutritional consultant. She is part of the editorial team at which provides a range of information about diet, nutrition and weight management to more than 5 million visitors per year.

Lose Weight With A Balanced Vegetarian Diet

When it comes to healthy weight loss, one of the secrets of success is to eat a balanced diet. Balance here means eating the right amount of nutritious food. In our fast food, take-out world, it is easy to get the quantities wrong and also miss out on the quality as well. So eat when you are hungry but don’t overdo it.

Getting back to the basics is important. Instead of snacking constantly during the day, do your best to eat three regular meals. Cook or have your food cooked using wholesome, natural ingredients and then eat with others in a relaxed manner. It is not only a question of what you eat, but how you eat that counts.

You may be surprised to know that in France, the land of fatty cheeses and gourmet foods, people in general stay slim. The reason is apparent if you go to a local outdoor market where large quantities of fresh vegetables are sold. The French prepare balanced meals and still manage to eat together more often than their counterparts in the USA.

So, sit down with your family and friends and eat nice meals together. If you are troubled by “demon hunger” during the day, eat a few pieces of fruit rather than a donut or any other fattening food.

While there are many fad diets (low fat, low carb, etc.) that are being promoted today, it is far better if you can settle into a way of life that you can easily and happily follow for the rest of your life.

The traditional diet of yoga practitioners has been a vegetarian diet. The yoga diet consists of fruits, vegetables, grains and milk products. You can not only survive on such a diet, but you will thrive as well, and lose weight all at the same time.

Try it out. Substitute meat dishes with soy products, lentils and other legumes, and whole grains. You can get enough protein (especially if you also consume nuts and milk products) so you don’t have to worry about it.

You can also enjoy yourself in the process. Instead of an ice cream thick shake, blend together fruits, juice and yogurt and make a healthy smoothie. Losing weight does not require you to suffer; it is only a question of choosing your food well and balancing your lifestyle.

If you want to lose weight on a long term basis you have to change your diet or your pattern of exercise or both. Try out a balanced vegetarian diet and if you find it helpful, then stick with it for the rest of your life.

Dada Vedaprajinananda has been practicing and teaching yoga and meditation for the past 35 years. He is the webmaster of the Ananda Marga meditation society’s website, and is the author of Start Meditation, Stop Smoking and Yoga Weight Loss Secrets

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Body For Life Diet - Revealed

What is the Body for Life Diet and what are it’s drawbacks and what are its benefits? The Body for Life diet is the creation of world-renowned trainer and founder of the nutritional company, EAS. The Body for Life plan is an intensive 12 week program of dieting and exercise that is intended to be quick and safe way to lose ample weight.

As far as macronutrients are concerned, the diet asks for about 40-50% of calories to come from protein and carbs as well. This leaves virtually no space for fats which serves a higher calling than people think. Eliminating fats will simply leave one more vulnerable to arthritis, tendonitis and even some types of cancer.

One factor that helps differentiate this approach from the rest of the pack is its aversion to food/caloric restriction. The Body for Life diet requires one to eat 6 small meals a day every few hours or so. Carbohyrdates can come from potatoes, brown rice, fruit and plenty of others and need to be served in a portion no larger than a fist. Even vegetables can be eaten in large quantities since they happen to be low in calories. Protein servings should consist of lean cuts of beef, chicken, pork, or fish and each serving should be proportional to one’s own palm. In order to help kick-start the metabolism in the morning, Phillips recommends eating a meal especially rich in carbohydrates.

While some may think this sounds like too much food blended with all the “wrong” dieting principles, it’s actually soundly rooted in science. With smaller meals eaten throughout the day, one will ensure that blood glucose levels are stable as opposed to the common phenomenon that follows a large meal: a spike in insulin. Too many of these spikes can permanently ruin one’s metabolism leading one to gain weight much more rapidly than ever before. Secondly, by learning to eat this many meals, one also learns not to let the body dictate when it is time to eat. By allowing the body to become hungry, one is feeding suspicions that the body is retreating into “starvation mode” and must hoard fat and burn perfectly good muscle tissue instead in order to fuel the body. By eating more, one can actually lose more, as odd as that may sound.

Another concept that helps to separate it from all of the other competing diet fads out there is its requirement for daily exercise. There must be 3 days of weight training allowed, as well as 3 cardio days. The weight training days last 45 minutes while the cardio training days last only 20 minutes. On the seventh day, one can rest and actually eat whatever it is they so desire. Regular exercise with a proper diet will produce results and other than the fact that some more unsaturated fat needs to be included, maybe even in place of some of the protein, Bill Phillip’s Body for Life diet is definitely a recommended path to take.

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How To Lose Weight - The Secrets To Their Success

Losing weight is something that typically does not come easy for most. It requires a certain level of discipline and focus that many feel they haven’t the time for, but since your life is in the balance, I feel one’s health should become a priority.

Unfortunately, there is no magic elixir or secret exercise that will make you lose fat instantly. It takes hard work. It requires a blend of regular exercise and a nutritious diet in order for optimal success to be achieved. One pound of fat equals 3500 calories, plain and simple, and since it is never recommended that one loses any more than 2-3 lbs. in a week, it would be reasonable to cut back 500 calories a day. So, cut out the french fries and replace it with something like celery sticks or steamed broccoli. If this is done every day for a week, a pound will be lost; guaranteed!

Some trainers actually advise a seriously deconditioned client to work on their diet before hitting the gym. Next, the idea that eating more will only add to your fat is a deeply entrenched myth that needs to be clarified.

It has actually been clinically proven that eating more meals but of smaller portions keeps your metabolism elevated and thus helps burn more calories than the traditional approach of three large meals a day. Ideally, these meals should be spaced out roughly 3-4 hours apart and should contain a good source of protein and a good source of carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, pasta, potatoes, corn, beans, peas, apples, leafy green vegetables, and firmer, darker breads. Some ideal sources of protein can be found in chicken, turkey, seafood of all types, and lean cuts of beef among other kinds. To give you an idea on how to exhibit portion control, aim to have your protein be no larger or smaller than a deck of cards, and your side of veggies no bigger than your fist. Aim for 5 meals of this size a day and your diet will be set for success. Oh, and it wouldn’t hurt to supplement your diet with a multivitamin, just to ensure a complete and proper diet.
When concerning exercise, make sure that you work intelligently and know that lifting weights requires a certain level of understanding, and in some instances, expertise. So, read up before you run down to the gym for the first time.

Weight training is believed to have longer lasting effects on the metabolism than simple aerobic exercise and the harder the better, so I typically indoctrinate my clients in the world of weightlifting from the very beginning. In some clinical trials the subject’s resting metabolic rate was still elevated 39 hours after strenuous exercise! When lifting weights, be sure to keep workouts to a 3 day per week maximum, at least for the first 3-4 months or so. This will ensure that the body’s neural pathways have adapted to the new level of exertion and that the connective tissue in the joints have been adequately strengthened before adding a fourth workout day. Make sure you pick exercises that utilize the most muscle groups as possible in order to burn the most calories. Many like to choose a pushing exercise, a pulling exercise, a leg exercise , and a core exercise and perform 20-25 repetitions for each movement and make a circuit out of it. This could be done three times total and that would be an excellent workout. Just make sure you choose a weight that you can handle for no more than 20-25 repetitions. This will make it challenging for your body, which will ultimately result in greater fat loss for you. Also, keep workouts to a 45 minute maximum. The body can’t handle much more abuse past that point. And once you finish your workout, it should be noted that you have a one hour window of opportunity to eat a meal of ample carbohydrates and moderate protein to make sure you replenish your energy stores and fuel your body for muscle growth, otherwise self-cannibalism on the muscle tissue will ensue and, yes, it’s as bad as it sounds. But if you follow these simple rules of fitness, keep your portion sizes under control, and eat plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables, then a newer, trimmer you looms over the horizon. I guarantee it.

Bella Vita Retreat - Fitness Retreat Offers More

If you’re looking for a vacation packed full of fitness go to Bella Vita Retreat in Palm Beach, FL. Located about 4 miles from the downtown area of Palm Beach, this resort is situated directly on the beach in the quiet area of town. Bella Vita Retreat’s most sought after package is their Beach Boot Camp. Guests wake up to the sound of the ocean waves and are soon recruited for the morning power walk and boot camp session. The schedule is filled with yoga, nutrition classes, personal training, stress reduction and massage treatments. There are also options to get additional private yoga and personal training sessions if guests are interested. All staff members are extremely knowledgeable and often stay afterwards to answer questions for guests.

The food is great, but very healthy. You won’t find fries and burgers on the Bella Vita Retreat menu and the price doesn’t include alcohol. There is a restaurant on the premises and a very nice outdoor/indoor beach bar. They have a full menu although if you’re trying to lose weight, you should stick to the regimen provided by Bella Vita Retreat. You’ll have plenty to eat and drink. The retreat is also close to the downtown area of Palm Beach (about 4 miles). It’s a short cab ride to shopping and sight seeing. Though it is nice to get out and about, the retreat offers a wonderful atmosphere and live entertainment in the evening. There is a full time concierge available to set up any additional excursions, but the retreat also offers snorkeling, parasailing, surfing, windsurfing, kayaking and more. The beach chair service is also a plus with padded beach lounges and an attendant to get drinks, etc.

This isn’t any typical boot camp as the property has been recently renovated and offers plush linens and towels, very nice bedding and pillows, valet parking and beach chair/umbrella service. In addition, you can relax at the pool or in the Jacuzzi and have an afternoon tea at the onsite beachside restaurant. And the best part? You’ll get continued support after you leave. You have lifetime access to the personal trainers and nutritionists to call or email them with questions about health and fitness. Bella Vita Retreat is a step above the rest.

Understanding the Difference Between Weight Loss and Body Fat Loss

There is a big difference between the matter of weight loss and body fat loss, and so if you are anyone who is concerned about health then you will want to understand the difference so that you can be aware of what you should and should not do.

Understanding Body Fat Loss and Your Body Fat Percentage

Before you can understand what body fat loss really is you need to understand what your body fat percentage is; first of all, your body fat percentage is simply the percentage of fat that your body contains, and so for example, if you weigh 150 pounds and 10% body fat, then it basically means that your body consists of 15 pounds of fat and 135 pounds of lean body mass, and that includes bone, muscle, organ tissue, blood, and everything else in this regards.

It is important to understand that a certain amount of fat is truly essential in order for your body to function properly, as fat regulates the body in many different regards, for instance it regulates your body temperature, cushions and insulates the organs and tissues, and is also the main form of the body’s energy storage.

Body Fat Loss

If you are looking to attain body fat loss, then there are several things in particular that you are going to have to take into consideration. For instance, you may want to get into an exercise activity such as bodybuilding – this does not mean that you have to get huge, just to the size that you wish – but this is because with bodybuilding workouts you are targeting your body fat and this is thus where you will lose weight and gain muscle.

Bodybuilding is basically an activity which operates according to scientific principles, and thus science and mathematics is basically the base for this activity; accordingly, in the construction of a diet plan, mathematics and numbers are key, and hence in order to construct a proper diet plan, there are several variables which need to be mathematically determined.


The variables that absolutely must be included are that of the following: body mass, current age, basal metabolic rate, caloric and macronutrient intake, and current body fat percentage.

Thus, if you take all of these and possibly more variables into consideration, then you will be able to come to a conclusion as to how much weight you should lose if any, from where on the body, and what the best way would be for you to do it.

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John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to For more information on Fat Loss see the Fat Loss section of Free Search Engine Submission Service at:

10 Successful Secrets for Weight Loss

Attitude: In order to succeed with your weight loss goals it is important to go into this program without thinking you are on a diet. What you need to do is change your behaviour and habits. This does not mean that you need to ever feel hungry or turn yourself into an Olympic athlete in order to achieve your weight loss goal. If you fall off the wagon get back on, you haven’t lost the war.

Exercise: If you are more than 20 pounds overweight then you should start off with moderate daily exercise e.g. walking or swimming to assist with your weight loss. Always consult your doctor before embarking on any exercise regime.

If you are moderately overweight then a minimum of 40 minutes per day is preferable to achieve weight loss. If aged over 40 then it helps to try and do 2 sessions per day e.g. aerobic workout in the morning and walking or cycling for 30 minutes or more in the evening. I found that my metabolism slowed down considerably when I reached 40 so fitting in two sessions a day really helped my weight loss efforts.

Getting Organized: This lifestyle change will take a certain amount of effort and forward planning on your part. Think about what you do throughout the day that you could change i.e. do you sit at your desk at lunchtime reading the newspaper? Do you watch television for several hours in the evening? Could you set your alarm for 30 minutes earlier in the morning? This extra time can be used for exercise and the time needed to prepare your meals in advance if you need to take them to work .

Make lists for shopping, don’t just hit the supermarket with a vague idea of what you will need for your weight loss goal. Cook in bulk and freeze the rest in small portions.

Things to Avoid: As a general rule stick to the outer aisles in the supermarket where the fresh produce is displayed. Avoid the aisles with packaged and processed foods. It goes without saying to avoid sugar and sugar related products (try fruit instead).

If in doubt just cut out the white stuff, sugar, white bread, white rice, potatoes etc. Dairy products can be very high in fat so try the reduced fat variety. I personally find this tastes better than the no fat variety and is more satisfying so you aren’t looking for more in another half an hour.

Alcohol is also best avoided as this is normally quite high in calories and can lead to dehydration.

Quantities: Try and keep the quantities down to between 200-300 calories per meal, slightly more for men or if you are very active.

Frequency: Eat these small meals 5 times a day, approximately every 3 hours. Do not skip a meal and try not to eat after 7pm in the evening. The frequency of meals will stop you from feeling hungry and ease you toward your weight loss goal.

Dehydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, at least 8 glasses . Don’t wait until you are thirsty as this means that you are dehydrated. This will help to keep your energy levels up and also eliminate toxins which can make you feel sluggish and tired.

Tricking your Metabolism: Eat 5 small meals of around 200-300 calories for 3 days then on the fourth day increase your calorie intake slightly for each meal . This will stop your body going into starvation mode and lowering your metabolism to suit the reduced intake.

Buddy: Why not get a friend or partner to join you on your new health and weight loss regime. This makes exercise more fun and helps you stay on target.

Attitude: I repeat this step as it's key to the success of your program. Continue to work towards a goal taking small steps if necessary. Many people have done this, you can too.

By using these tips you should achieve gradual and healthy weight loss without feeling deprived or hungry.

Friday, March 16, 2007

How To Drop Weight and Become Healthier Using These 7 Simple Everyday Life Tips

These days more and more people are getting intellectual instead of physical jobs. Sitting in the office chairs all-day long has become a norm for many of us. Stress, busyness and rush make us forget about regular food and stuff our stomachs with cheeseburgers and sodas, which don’t do anything good for our bodies.

As a result of such crazy life rhythm, we rarely find time for exercises, gyms or balanced nutrition. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the reasons why there are now more that 60% of U.S citizens that have overweight. However, it is possible to change your lifestyle and lose your weight if you are willing to.

These 7 day-to-day life tips provided below will help you to drop your extra pounds, become more energetic and healthier.

1. Drink More Water

Our bodies need a lot of water. Water removes waste from our organisms and carries various nutrients into all our organs and cells. Your body also loses water by using it for various ways. For this reason you have to replace it and drink water more often than you are used to.

Start your day with a glass of water in the morning. Drink a glass of water before any meal. Take a bottle of water with you when you go to work. Your body needs approximately 3-5 liters of water during one day. So don’t hesitate to drink plenty of water wherever and whenever you can.

2. Eat Fruits and Drink Fruit Juices

Eating fruits and juices helps you eliminate toxins from your body. Eating a variety of fruits also helps you get enough fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. That’s why you should eat fresh fruits and drink natural fruit juices as often as possible.

Fruit juices from stores are often sweetened. If you want to drink juices, make fresh juices yourself. If you think it takes too much of the time, then look for juices with labels that say “100% fruit juice”. These are much healthier for your body as long as they contain much more vitamins.

3. Eat Lots of Vegetables and Vegetable Salads

When it comes to losing extra pounds, vegetables are a great choice. They are natural and contain different vitamins, minerals and tons of other useful chemicals known to provide benefits for your body. Vegetables are low in fat and calories, they help control blood glucose levels, reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of colon and other cancers. All these features also help control your weight effectively.

If you feel that eating vegetables alone isn’t great choice for you, then make some salads. Mixing vegetables together gives you even more different vitamins and health benefits. There are tons of tasty, healthy salad recipes on the internet. You can also use you imagination to make some great salads.

4. Eat Only When You Are Hungry

How many times you’ve been to a party where you saw lots of different and tasty looking meals, which you were offered to try.

Don’t eat, because you are offered to. Eat only when you want to.

Many people also like snacking. In between meals or when have nothing to do. Quit snacking. Most snacks contain a lot of fat and calories. Replace your usual snacks with vegetables or fruits. These are healthy to your body and you’ll never get fatter, only thinner.

5. Carry Healthy Food with You

Many of us work busy office jobs and don’t have time to eat regularly. In this case, bring your own made food with you. Instead of bringing sandwiches with meat, take vegetable salads, carrots, chicken salads. Any low fat food will do. This way, you won’t have to wait for a break to fill your stomach. You’ll be able to have fixed times when eating food.

It’s also important to try to eat about 5 times a day, rather than 3 or 2. Eat in smaller quantities, but more often. This helps you to increase your metabolism.

6. Work Out When You Can

Working out in a gym is not only a great way to grow some muscles, but also to drop a few pounds. Exercising helps you burn your calories instead of storing them in your body as fat. Our bodies were made to be active, so exercising slowly and easily can actually help you get more energy and make you feel much better.

At the end of the week, try to lose all the stress and burn your calories in a gym or having some kind of physical activity at home. If you have time, then try to do easy exercises everyday.

7. Don’t Lie Down or Sit When You Can Move

Many of us like to watch TV lying on a couch or sitting in a comfortable chair. Of course, when you come home after hard working day, you’re tired, and all you can think of, is a couch and a remote in your hand. But such laziness won’t help you lose weight. Contrarily, it will make you grow some more pounds.

So don’t lie or sit, when you can walk and move. Instead of staring at TV, like a goofy, go ahead and work out in your garden for example, clean your garage, fix your car, go to walk in park or beach. Breathe fresh air and move more often. Not only does it help to reduce stress after work, but also ups your mood and makes you more energetic.

In Conclusion

Remember that all these tips will help you to lose weight, but only if you are determined and are ready to devote some of your time. Don’t expect to slim down 4 sizes after eating 5 carrots and drinking orange juice.

Your body, just like many things in this world, needs time. So be patient. And if you will honestly use at least some of these tips, you are going to change your lifestyle, which in the end will lead you to a thinner and healthier body.

Worst Foods You Can Eat

I recently came across an article entitled, The Five Absolute Worst Foods You Can Eat. It was written by Dr. Joseph Mercola, an osteopath who also wrote The No Grain Diet Book, a New York Times best seller.

The article sparked my interest. What foods made his list? Hot dogs? Brats? How about a chocolate sundae? When compiling a worst food list, several criteria could be considered. Calorie density, the number of fat grams, the level of saturated fat or trans fats, grams of sugar, lack of fiber, or overall lack of nutritional value.

I wondered if there were other lists out there with similar bad food lists. If I could find the same items on 3 or 4 different lists, I figure they must be really bad! Without peeking, can you guess Dr. Mercolas Top 5 Worst Foods, or is it Bottom 5?

1. Doughnuts: Fried, loaded with trans fats, lots of sugar, white flour, no fiber, vitamins or minerals. What more could you ask from a worst food?

2. Soda: Plenty of sugar, caffeine, artificial colors, and sulfites. All stuff that you do not need. Dr. Mercola thinks the artificial sweeteners in diet varieties arent much better.

3. French Fries: Fried potatoes are loaded with trans fats.

4. Chips: Just like their cousin French-fries, chips are made from potatoes, both with plenty of fat added during processing. Chips and fries contain ample levels of something called acrylamide, a compound suspected to be a possible cause of some cancers.

5. Fried, Non-fish seafood like shrimp, lobster, clams, oysters contain trans fats, acrylamide, mercury, and according to Dr. Mercola, perhaps parasites or viruses.

There are other worst food lists. Charles Booras, M.D. has one with soda listed #1, which he eloquently describes as the epitome of nutritional bankruptcy. Other foods that made his list include French fries, bacon, granola bars, and doughnuts.

Doughnuts, deep-fried foods, fast food hamburgers, high-fat ice cream, latte with real whipped cream, and soda are at the top of a 101 Worst Foods List put out by ediets. The usual suspects like sausage, most pizzas, most candy bars, onion rings, gravies, macaroni and cheese, egg rolls, and frosted breakfast cereals also made the ediets list.

Its hardly practical to stop eating these foods completely. When you think about it, most Americans eat something off of the worst food list just about every day, if not every meal.

What you can do is always keep fruit or cut vegetables handy for snacks, then increase portions of vegetables at every meal. Substitute rice or baked potatoes for french fries, and never go shopping when you are hungry and tempted. If you dont buy the stuff, its going to be much more difficult to eat it.

I suspect that there are other worst foods out there, and you know what your favorites are. If you want to lose weight or improve your health, you also know what needs to be done. Fortunately, I didnt find beer on any of the lists.

Daily Calorie Intake Control

Your ideal daily calorie intake depends upon various factors such as your age, activity level and whether you are trying to lose, gain or maintain weight. During the past two decades obesity has doubled in the United States and much the same is true of other countries. If people do not start taking action now they will experience reduced life expectancy.

It doesn't matter how big you are most can afford to lose some weight, even a modest loss of ten pounds has tremendous health benefits. To achieve this you need to find your balance between food intake and physical activity and each of us will have a different equation to deal with. As I say in most weight loss articles that I publish: "To lose weight you need to eat less and move more." There are no secrets, just follow that simple rule.

Fifty years ago life for most people consisted of much activity and it didn't matter what you ate because you would exercise away excess calories. For many today life has become a very static experience that consists of long hours at work in front of a computer, a drive home and so tired that there is just enough energy remaining to eat and then sleep. It is no surprise that we're getting fatter.

Now for the good news

You don't have to give up your favorite meals to lose weight. You do need to exercise a little more each day and be aware of portion sizes that you eat. It is a fair assumption that people in the United States and other developed nations can afford to reduce calorie intake by about 300 per day. In less developed countries where people are more active in their daily lives this figure will be considerably lower, but they are unlikely to have an obesity problem anyway.

Exercise values

For a person who weighs 155 pounds (77 kilograms) the following calorie burn-off rate applies for each 1 hour of exercise:

Light exercise:

Hiking 370 calories

Golf (walking and carrying clubs - not in a buggy) 330 calories

Stretching exercises 180 calories

Heavy exercise:
Jogging (5 miles per hour/ 8 kmh) 590 calories

Bicycling 590 calories

Aerobics 480 calories

Note: If you weigh over 155 pounds the calorie burn-off will be greater, below 155 pounds the burn-off lesser. There is no accurate science that applies to each individual.

To lose weight and keep it off you should aim at losing one pound (450 grams) each week and to lose one pound you must reduce your present calorie intake by 3,500 calories. How you achieve it is up to you. I suggest 300 less calories each day in your food intake and burn an extra 200 calories each day through physical activity. As you become fitter you will find this ratio reversing.

Weight Loss Myths Exposed

It probably won’t come as a surprise to hear there is a great deal of confusion around nutrition. In fact, many people reading this article will have only a scant idea about the different food types and what our body actually needs to keep healthy.

One of the simplest systems I’ve encountered is this. If the food tastes good, then it has to be ‘bad’ for you! And then there’s its counterpart, “If the food tastes ‘bad’ then it must be ‘good’ for you”. You may identify with these views, or some closely related version! Nutrition for some has been reduced to a concept of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ with little else.

Some common weight loss myths that people believe - which aren’t true!

Myth #1: Cutting down on portion size is the best way to lose weight. Not on its own. If you attempt to lose weight by just eating less, you are likely to gain the weight back. Lasting results will come from changing the types of foods you eat, not just the amounts.

Myth #2: Just cut out fat and you’ll lose weight. This approach to weight loss, popular in the 80s, simply doesn’t work for most people. Even if a food is labeled “fat-free,” it can still be high in calories from sugar and hidden carbs. Effective weight loss comes from being mindful of your total calorie consumption as well as your fat intake.

Myth #3: Cutting calories causes your body to go into starvation mode and slows weight loss. This is untrue. Your body’s resting metabolic rate can vary by about 15%. Nevertheless, eating too few calories and an inadequate amount of protein can make you lose precious lean muscle mass, which will eventually slow metabolism, for the long term. Ideally, stick to the calorie and protein amounts that are right for your body with the Herbalife™ program.

Myth #4: High-protein diets cause ketosis, which reduces hunger. Ketosis occurs when fat, instead of carbohydrate, is used as an energy source during a high-protein diet. Ketone bodies are produced, which give your breath a bad “fruity” odor. Ketone bodies do not reduce appetite; but, eating sufficient protein for your body needs can help reduce hunger and support weight loss.

Myth #5: Exercise alone can help you lose weight. While exercise is an important component of a healthy weight-loss program, it is not a great way to lose weight on its own. Exercising for even an hour at a time burns only a moderate amount of calories. Combining exercise with calorie reduction and a healthy eating plan is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off.

One of the most healthful and helpful steps you can take to improve your health and that of your family’s is to learn about nutrition. The principles are easy to understand and armed with the correct information, it’s possible to make an improvement to your health.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Fast Weight Loss - How Can I Lose Weight Fast?

Is fast weight loss possible? Probably not at the rate that everyone would wish. Fast weight loss means losing at most 1-2 pounds a week and maybe 3 pounds if morbidly obese. Note that I said, at most. Any program that promotes losing 10 pounds in 10 days is simply impossible to do in a healthful manner. Often times, these quick-fix plans rely on lost water weight which will be regained immediately once one's normal diet resumes. Next time you watch a commercial for pills like Hydroxycut or TrimSpa, keep your eyes open for the fine print that reads something like, "Results not typical." These companies use various ploys to trick the public into believing that the testimonials are the genuine words of actual customers and the before and after photos as being honest documentation of their transformations. Be smart and don't fall victim to this pseudo-fitness garbage being advertised, it's truly detrimental.

Myth: Targeting Fat Loss Using Exercises And Products

Another common tactic that those on the phonier side of the fitness industry also like to utilize is the perpetual flow of home fitness gadgets that with three easy payments will buy you a flatter stomach or whatnot. Since both men and women are insecure about their stomachs, those in this industry target them with various sit-up and crunch contraptions that advocate only minutes of exercise. One in particular promotes only 12 repetitions on one side and 12 more on the other to give the owner a nicely sculpted set of abs, all within 90 seconds. Impossible. You cannot work out in only 90 seconds and expect to achieve any noticeable results, especially when you are trying to isolate a single muscle group for the sake of fat loss. Furthermore, many fail to understand that ab work only leads to stronger abs, not subcutaneous fat loss, which is usually the goal of the buyer. So, don't waste your money on a product that won't give you the results it boasts to give you.

How To Lose Weight The Right Way:

The ideal path for weightloss includes a diet where your are reducing your usual daily caloric intake by 500 calories. With diet alone, one could lose a pound of fat a week just by removing a mere 500 excess calories. So instead of drinking 2 soft drinks a day and a cookie after lunch, have water instead and skip dessert. Now, couple this idea with smaller portions of lean protein and complex carbohydrates and more frequent meals so as to prevent hunger pangs. This will keep the metabolism high in order to maximize the body's calorie burning potential. As for exercise, work out three times a week and keep workouts to every other day. Also, make sure you blend the right amount of aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. Eat 5 meals a day, full of colorful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, seeds, and nuts and exercise 3 times a week and you'll be guaranteed to lose weight as fast as the body possibly can, the right way!

Ian Robertson has interests that range anywhere between playing drums to kayaking and kickboxing. Ian is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Certified Advanced Weight Training Specialist, as well as a Certified Nutritionist. He emphasizes functional and innovative training techniques to add variety and interest to his shockingly effective workouts.

Find out how to lose your extra weight forever when you visit the weight loss support group at Heck, if nothing else, subscribe to their free newsletter for some weight loss tips to help you lose weight without hurting your body like most people do!

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Get your free weight loss e-book at, a phentermine online community offering free weight loss tips, journals, exercise videos, recipes, diet guides, discussion forums, recommended phentermine pharmacies that are monitored for reliability.

Weight Training: A Great way to Attain Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

Everyone wants to lose weight these days it seems, however not everyone seems to understand that a lot of the time when you lose weight, you are mostly losing muscle mass and not body fat, as you would want to. As well, it is important to understand that there are exercise methods available that can help you to attain fat loss and muscle gain, with the best of all being that of weight training.

Why use Weight Training for Fat Loss and Muscle Gain?

There are actually many different reasons as to why you would use weight training to attain fat loss and muscle gain; for one, if you are looking to lose fat or just change your body in general, then one of the most important things that you can do is lift weights. After all, there really is no other type of activity in the world that will help you to attain fat loss and muscle gain so efficiently and so quickly.

There are many great benefits that you will receive from weight training even besides that of fat loss and muscle gain, and this includes that of: helping to raise your metabolism, as muscle burns more calories than fat, so thus the more muscle that you have, the more calories you will burn all day long; strengthen bones, which is especially important for women; make you stronger and increase muscular endurance; help you to avoid injuries; increase your confidence and self-esteem overall; and even help to improve your coordination and balance.

Getting Started

Getting started can often be the hardest part in regards to an activity such as weight training, and this is basically because no one really ever knows where to begin. However, you should know that it most certainly does not have to be this hard. Basically, if you are going to be setting up your own program, then you will need to know at least some of the most basic strength training principles.

After all, remember that it is these principles that will teach you how to make sure that you are using enough weight, and that you will be able to properly determine how many sets and reps you should be doing.

If you are still unsure and/or uneasy, then there is always the option of hiring a personal trainer to help you out in this situation.

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John Ugoshowa. You are welcome to use this article on your website or in your ezines as long as you have a link back to For more information on Fat Loss see the Fat Loss section of Free Search Engine Submission Service at:

Will It Work? Weight Loss Products

"Amanda lost sixty pounds in just two months!" "Gerald shaved thirteen inches in three weeks!" "Get the body you've been dreaming of by calling this toll free number!"

Who hasn't been bombarded with advertisements such as these? With incredible results, it is actually quite tempting to order some of these magic formulas from the operators standing by, just waiting for your call. But do these things actually work? Why aren't any of them evaluated or approved by the FDA? And why are all of these miracles sold exclusively on TV, and not in stores?

Let's face it, weight loss products such as those touted on late night television and in the back of fashion magazines usually come qualified with an attached statement to the effect of "these results are not normal." And why are these results so far from the norm? Because these weight loss products are not magic pills or drinks; they are intended for use as supplements to a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. So if your plan to lose the extra bulk by popping fat-capturing tablets every two hours is on the road to nowhere, think about the other changes you have or have not made to your lifestyle.

This should be fairly obvious to anyone with common sense. If there were really a concoction that would melt off the fat, wouldn't everyone be thin? Everyone is not thin, so therefore there must be more to these weight loss products' success than just remembering to take them. Supplements that can be taken are intended to do just what their name implies - supplement and reinforce the other efforts you are undertaking. Certainly, there are products that will allow you to drop some weight fairly quickly, but they will have to be incorporated as a mainstay of your diet or else you will simply regain what you've lost once you stop taking them.

Deciding to change the look and performance of your body through weight reduction is a commendable act. But do not rely solely on weight loss products for the changes to manifest. There must be some personal responsibility and resolve to truly make a difference. The people pictured in those advertisements? You can be certain they have made other changes to their lives beyond the addition of that particular weight loss product. So develop a balanced menu from which to choose your snacks and meals, set up an exercise regime, and add weight loss products to the mix, and you too may end up as one of the astonishing weight loss stories.

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Robert Maguire lives in Dracut, Massachusetts with his wonderful wife Donna. Learn more about weight loss and ways to stay healthy at

Bella Vita Retreat – Lose Weight and Look Great at this Fitness Retreat in South Florida

Are you ready to shape up, shed some pounds and feel like a new person along the way? If you’re looking for the ultimate health and fitness retreat, go to Bella Vita Retreat. Located about 15 minutes north of Fort Lauderdale, this retreat is situated directly on the beach in a quiet area of town known as Pompano Beach. Bella Vita Retreat’s most sought after package is their Beach Boot Camp. Guests wake up to the sound of the ocean waves and soon rise for the morning cardio session followed by the boot camp class. The schedule is filled with yoga/pilates fusion, nutrition classes, personal training, stress reduction and massage treatments. There are also options to get additional private yoga, spa treatments and personal training sessions if guests are interested. All staff members are extremely knowledgeable and hold national certifications in their fields. In addition, staff members have a minimum of 5 years experience in their related fields. Unlike many other fitness retreats, the staff is readily available and most instructors often stay afterwards to answer questions for guests.

The food is amazing, and very healthy. You won’t find fries and burgers on the Bella Vita Retreat menu and the price doesn’t include alcohol. The food is prepared daily by a chef on the premises. They are happy to accommodate special requests and offer a service to pick up special items from the store for you. Vegetarian meals are offered as well. If you’re trying to lose weight or just detoxify your body, you’ll love the regimen provided by Bella Vita Retreat. You’ll have plenty to eat and drink. The retreat is also close to the downtown area of Fort Lauderdale if you’re looking for shopping and sight seeing in your spare time. Though it is nice to get out and about, the retreat offers a wonderful spa atmosphere including a full service spa and salon, fitness center, pilates room, groups fitness room, roof top running track, two heated pools, Jacuzzi and more. There is a full time concierge available to set up any additional excursions as well.

This is a beautiful, tropical beach boot camp as the property is situated directly on the ocean. The 89 Suite resort offers one and two bedroom suites with down comforters, soft linens and towels, hair and skin care products, mini refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker with Starbucks coffee, private balcony with ocean view and tiled and granite bathrooms. In addition, the resort includes complimentary valet parking, complimentary wireless internet, a work station in each room, free unlimited local and 800 calls, phone with two lines, business center, two restaurants, spinning studio and gyrotonics.

Offering Beach Boot Camp and Bella Weight Loss Retreats, Bella Vita Retreat guests lose an average of 5lbs in their first week at the health and fitness retreat. Clients leave feeling lighter, rejuvenated and amazingly healthy after just one week. And the best part? You’ll get continued support after you leave. You have lifetime access to the personal trainers and nutritionists to call or email them with questions about health and fitness. Bella Vita Retreat is a step above the rest.

Get more information about Bella Vita Retreat and their programs, Beach Boot Camp and Bella Weight Loss Retreats at

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